Why Are Candles Associated With Self-Love?

Self-love can be anything from going on a trek by yourself to your favorite coffee spot or pampering your body and staying in and having a much-needed night of rest and relaxation. To many, candles are the perfect pairing for a self-love moment, but…why? 


Relaxation is one of the main feelings you may experience when burning your favorite candle. Whether you are a fan of an aromatherapy scent with hints of eucalyptus or lavender or you’re a foodie scent lover, candles can bring you to a relaxed mindset and will help to calm you down after a long day. Relaxing with a nice bath with loads of bubbles and moisturizing your body and taking care of yourself will put you in the ultimate zen mood.


In the same realm of relaxation, the soft glow in the room coming from your burning candle will bring an ambiance of serenity and peace to your mind. Adding the soft-glow ambiance of the room to the relaxation that you’re already feeling is the perfect mixture that will make for self-love heaven. 

Being One With Yourself

Feeling comfortable when you’re alone is the ultimate act of self-love. Accompanying your favorite scent with the act of being still and enveloped in ambiance and relaxation will add the perfect layers to your self-love journey. If you have had an especially long day, a nice relaxing night paired with your favorite scent while being by yourself will elevate your mood, your self-love, and your senses.

Now that you have some knowledge of why candles may be associated with self-love, now is the time to treat yourself, light your favorite candle, and relax, because… you deserve it!


The Perfect Girl’s Night Out


What Makes Candles So Relaxing?