Our Re-Pour Program

Looking to reuse your vessel from Sense by The Falls? You can now bring in any vessel previously purchased at our store and pour again and again. In order to qualify for a re-pour your must meet the following criteria:

1) You must provide verification of your previous purchase at Sense by The Falls
2) Your vessel must be clean and the wick removed


8 oz re-pour | $15
$5 increase for each additional 2 ounces

Are you a candle enthusiast and interested in regular re-pours and discounts on new candles? Join our Candle Club! Learn more below.

Introducing: The Candle Club

For just $15 per month you can enjoy regular discounts on new vessels and re-pours as well as exclusive offerings for Candle Club members. As a member of the Candle Club, you’ll receive:

20% off One New Candle Purchase Each Month
One Complimentary Re-Pour of a Previously Purchased Vessel Each Month

*benefits expire monthly and do not roll over

Sign up online today!

No contract term, cancel anytime.