How Scent Can Trigger Memories

two people at a white clothed table with black rectangular plates pouring scented oils into candle tins. Wine glasses and labeling materials are next to them.

Most people can recognize the times when you are cleaning out your childhood bedroom and you find loads of lost treasures. You happen upon your signature perfume from middle school and the scent of it immediately brings back the memories of your childhood years (whether good or bad). The part of your brain that registers smell is called the olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulb is directly connected to the parts of your brain where memories are kept, also known as the hippocampus and amygdala. To summarize what all of this means is that the smell and memory parts of your brain are intertwined so certain smells can trigger certain emotions and feelings. 

Because of the link between smells and memories, many people have been posting on social media about their “wedding day perfumes”. This is when a bride or groom wears a certain perfume or cologne on their wedding day and then after this day, they only wear it on anniversaries. Not only is this a sweet and wholesome tradition, but it is scientifically backed! Wearing this certain scent only on days when you are celebrating your relationship and marriage will allow those memories and the smell to sync up. 

Now instead of a wedding perfume, what if you made a wedding candle? The same concept goes for the wedding candle; you only light the candle on your wedding day and anniversaries. You and your partner can create your signature scent together and make your wedding candles together. Every anniversary you can light this candle while you are celebrating your love! The memories of the happiest day of your lives will live on forever.

You can do this for just about any event you can dream of, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, whatever you want to remember through scent! 

Creating and customizing your own candle can be a great way to spend time with your partner, coworkers, or friends! Check out our events page to stay up-to-date on our pop-up events!


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