Using Scent to Attract Wealth

hand holding a lit glass contained candle with another hand over the flame, blurred background of lit candles by a window.

How can you use scent to attract wealth? Through the power of manifestation and the law of attraction! The law of attraction is the theory that speaking and thinking positively will bring that positivity into your life. This is the belief that your thoughts and words control what you attract in your life. How can you use manifestation and the law of attraction to attract wealth? Besides writing in a journal and doing daily affirmations, another amazing way is attraction through scent! Here are a few scents that attract money and success:

pink and white flowers in an all black setting and background

Vanilla is a scent that is warm and cozy. People often associate this with cool weather, Fall, and comfy vibes. Vanilla can make you feel safe and comforted. How can this feeling help attract wealth? When you feel safe and cozy, stress seems to dwindle. When you are able to focus on life without the blurriness of stress, you can be more productive and spend that energy somewhere else. 

cinnamon sticks in a black ceramic mug with sugar sprinkled on top of it and cloves next to the mug.


Our brains associate cinnamon with feelings of abundance and can also raise vibrations to be more spiritually in tune. A higher vibration attracts even more positive energy to you. Once you get this feeling of fulfillment and motivation from cinnamon, you feel more worthy of wealth and success. These feelings of the worth of money can attract wealth to your life through the law of attraction.  

two oranges on the branch in an all white background


The orange scent and color are known for increasing energy and motivation in people. This is why offices utilize the color orange so much to increase productivity and excitement. Orange scent can increase your motivation and energy and also bring you feelings of joy. These three feelings are the perfect recipe for increasing wealth. 

a lit candle on a blue marbled table, a blue and gold tea cup and saucer next to the candle an amethyst crystal and a smoldering Palo Santo stick


Sandalwood is a scent that can alleviate stress and diminish feelings of worry. How does this happen? These feelings will relax your nervous system and allow you to focus the energy you spent worrying on something productive. The stress-free feeling will increase your motivation and happiness, allowing you to be more positive thinking which will attract positive energy to your life. 

Create your own personal wealth attractor through the power of scent. Use these scents next time you are creating your own candle with Sense by the Falls to attract wealth into your life! Book your special event here.


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