Scents by the Season

red and green lidded tins in a pryamid shaped stack, placed on a wooden table. Sense by the falls label stickers and markers next to the stack.

With the holiday season fast approaching, it is that time where guests will be over to your home. If you want to impress your guests for Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, or New Year’s celebrations, keep reading!

The psychology of smell is a real thing, and if you understand it, you can use it to your advantage! Smells are strongly linked to memory so having a specific scent for each holiday will allow you to keep those memories and even start a tradition.

Thanksgiving Candle

When you think of Thanksgiving, you probably think of smells of turkey, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. While all of these smell amazing, you probably don’t want a turkey-scented candle! The most seasonally appropriate (and probably obvious) candle to go with is a pumpkin scented candle. This is perfect because it will go along well with the smells from thanksgiving dinner without being too overbearing, and it will also complement the pumpkin pie!

Christmas Candle 

There are so many different scents options you could choose from for the Christmas season. If you love the smell of nature (more specifically a Christmas tree) then you should go with a candle with hints of pine and cinnamon so your home can smell like the scented pinecones! Vanilla scented candles are also a great option if you like sweet smells. Vanilla is known for making a space feel warm and cozy which is perfect for the cold of late December. If you aren’t a fan of the sweet or spicy smells, try burning a cedarwood or sandalwood candle. These smells are very natural and refreshing, and they aren’t overwhelming as vanilla and spice candles can be. 

New Year’s Candle

Citrus smells are known for improving happiness and energy, so use this to your advantage this New Year’s! Having a lot of people in the same home can be overwhelming for everyone especially since we are coming out of the Covid-19 pandemic, and this may your first normal event in almost 2 years. These citrus smells are liked by almost everyone so it is a safe bet. If you really hate citrus, try something floral instead like a rose-scented candle because these also encourage happiness! 

A candle can really accentuate the vibes of any holiday you are celebrating. If you want to make your own, perfectly crafted candle to the exact scent you want, check out Sense by the Falls!

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Best Scent Combination When Making Your Own Candle