Repotting Your Houseplants

When Repotting your houseplants it’s easy to just use what you have on hand when completing the task. Typically for us self proclaimed “crazy houseplant ladies” the task of repotting is unplanned, sporadic and messy. But for the health and longevity of your plants that we have invested so much time and money into; Keeping healthy soil and additives on hand to make these processes easier! (says the girl on her third iced coffee of that day with no food) Regardless of how we take care of ourselves it’s best to keep a few things on hand to make you more sucesful.

Things to keep on hand -

  1. A healthy houseplant specific soil ( it’s okay to make your own) We use Tilth Soil’s House Blend by Rust Belt Riders Composting Company. Rust Belt Riders composts households and restaurant compostables and turns them into different soil blends for different growing types. You can purchase Tilth House soil in our store and their warehouse in Cleveland!

  2. Orchid Bark or Fir Bark - Creates a more arid and humid environment for tropicals. As bark breaks down it also creates nitrogen that plants love to feed on!

  3. Perlite - a manufactured item that creates a more sandy, rocky texture to the soil.

  4. Spaghnam Moss - Created a more arid and humid environment for tropicals. As moss breaks down it also creates nitrogen that the plants can feed on!

Want to learn how to repot your own houseplants? Leah our in house plant expert will be teaching you how!

Leah will be offering a workshop where you bring two of your own houseplants to be repotted! (Don’t worry, we have a few different options if you don’t want to bring your own plants!)

Details -

When - Wednesday September 27th 6-7:30 pm

Where - Sense By The Falls 1749 Front Street, Unit C, Cuyahoga Falls, OH

Book tickets to class below!


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